Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FileApp Pro on Sale $.99! Move Files From your iPhone to Desktop & more!

iPhone & iPod Touch Compatible

FileApp & FileApp are great utilities for transferring files to & from your iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad as well as viewing multiple file types like PDF's, audio/mp3, video/H.264/MPEG-4 7 much more! Now updated in a 2.0 version for iPad & iPhone4 to support multi-tasking & retina display!

You can download FileApp for FREE! But I highly suggest buying FileApp Pro now for only $.99 while it's on sale for only 2 more days!!! This is a deal for this great tool! And works well for transferring documents with your iDevice! Plus it supports many file types in Microsoft Word docs to iWork & Pages docs & all kinds of audio, video & more! Supports working with other apps for cut & paste, integrated Safari Browser for downloading files straight from the web for viewing in FileApp/FileApp Pro. Send, receive or view large video & PDF files. Also has an in App media player for playing multiple file types in the app.

FileApp & FileApp Pro work with the developers other desktop based software that also comes in a free option or a paid version, called Diskaid that you can download for free also! These desktop & iPhone Apps are designed to work seamlessly together for moving files to & from your computer & iPhone or iPod Touch & even iPad!

Diskaid allows you to access the base file source on your device & simply drag & drop multiple files to & from your device to desktop & vice versa. Works great for transferring large amounts of music or quickly moving small video clips without opening iTunes & going through the whole syncing process! This developer has created a great file & device transfer & management system FOR WINDOWS & MAC & it's FREE. You can buy a upgraded version with a few more features for only $9.99 for your desktop. Download either version of Diskaid at their website.

* Also Diskaid can be used with a jailbroken device to get files from jailbroken apps like Cycorder to your desktop! No need for knowledge of SSH or other coding for using this software.

But I highly suggest getting the full feature set of FileApp Pro for $.99 while it's on sale! Hurry it's only two more days! After 10/13/10 it's back to $4.99 (Sill worth the price I might add!).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

GeoHot - Hip Hop Hacker!

Hahahahahahahaaaa!!!!! Oh! crap! After all the BS that good ol' George has put all of us iPhone owners looking for a jailbreak, I'm loving this!

The other day while someone was trolling MySpace they found this shining nugget of a gem.

And I'm pretty sure it's legit, being from 2006 & containing original "hits" from MC GeezHeezy. Plus also found a video on YouTube of EgoHot. Check the link to his MySpace Page

Have a laugh at his expense, because he had one at yours...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

NEW! limera1n jailbreak iPhone 3GS/4G on 4.1!

This is NOT for users on a beta iOS! Only available for windows currently.
In limera1n's current state as of 10/9/10 at 9:30pm it's kind of BUGGY, so
use at your own risk. Users have reported loosing WiFi & BlueTooth &
Cydia icon looking strange, but a restore/reboot should fix the icon. This
Jailbreak supports 3GS & 4G iPhones & iPod Touch models & also iPads.
For the Windows DL go to limera1n.com & DL the link at the bottom of
the page.

*Older 3G iPhones & iPT2G's can use Sn0wbreeze 2.0/2.1 from

Run down...
1. You need to have OFFICIAL iOS 4.1 installed
2. This is still in beta so those who don't want to risk their device should wait
    for greenpois0n to drop in the next 12-48 hours.
3. Supports iPhone 3GS & 4 + ipt3/4g & iPad(Apple TV has yet to be
    WAIT FOR greenpois0n/ultrasn0w unlock!!!

Personally I think Geohot fucked up by not coming forward with his exploit
& collaborating with iPhone & Chronic Devs on greenpois0n using HIS
exploit from the jump. In turn saving SHAtter for 5th Gen devices/2gen
iPads. Now who knows what will happen with greenpois0n & SHAtter may
well have been compromised. Way to go Egohot, I mean Geohot.

P.S. if you do use this limera1n jailbreak, DON'T DONATE, it will only
encourage him to continue his fucked up behavior. For knowledge sake,
none of the devs or iPhone/Chronic teams support this bullshit he pulled.
They think he's in it for his ego & shock value. If he had the community
interest in mind he would have came forward long ago to work together on
this with everyone instead of hiding out & then dropping this SHIT STORM
that all the other devs have to deal with.

For one geohot is no where on the internet, at least no where you can find
him. All those Twitter accounts are B.S., his blog is set to private & you can't
contact him through his website, so Chronic & iPhone Devs get to handle his
mess. Don't belive me, just look at the twitter feed for the last 12 hours for
their Team's list. NUTS! I just hope this stunt doesn't fuck up things for
everyone else.


Friday, October 8, 2010

greenpois0n "untethered"!!!

These days Twitter has been a literal gold mine of info on the upcoming release of the greenpois0n Jailbreak! Check out this screen shot of @cdevwill & his Official @ChronicDevTeam account posts!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

OFFICIAL greenpois0n release date!!!

ITS OFFICIAL BITCHES!!! greenpois0n!!! Will go LIVE @ 10/10/10 @ 10:10 GMT AND JUST LIKE ALWAYS SUNDAY IS FUNDAY!!!

A status update on compatible devices...only devices with the new A4 chip are supported by greenpois0n. Aka iPhone4, iPod Touch4, iPad & Apple TV, sorry to everyone else:(, but there are options for older devices @ http://ih8snow.com/ Check
it out, just be wary if your unlocked!!!


T Minus 72 hours and counting!!!

iPhone/iPod Touch App review-Skater Nation

This Skateboarding game app is awesome! One of the best controls on
the iPhone4, graphics arent the best but their decent & has alot of territory
to cover. In this huge city you can skate ramps at the skate park, beach
front boardwalks, warehouses, rooftops & more!

PLUS!...on of the dopest features about this game that ALL game apps
for iPhone4 should have, is YouTube video upload of your game replay!!
Why aren't there like a hundred games with this feature?? Gameloft SA
in only one game descides to use this AWESOME developer API?!!
What are people NUTS?!! Adding this feature to so many games would
increase the immersion into the game world & the ability to share the
actual game play with friends & the world is like free advertising! Any
Devs that don't use this for any sports, action, pilot or First Person Shooter
is loosing out on a potential fortune & not taking advantage of all the API
tools that Apple makes available in their SDK's.

In short buy this for $4.99, you won't be dissapointed!!! Or wait till it goes
on sale, I'll let you know. But you'll be missing out on many hours of SK8
sessions & videos you could be showing your friends of your EPIC tricks &
High Scores!

iPhone/iPod Touch app-Zombie Infection-$.99 SALE!

Shared from AppAdvice.com: The IS Drive BitTorrent App Is No More

From AppAdvice.com:

The IS Drive BitTorrent App Is No


Well looks like Apple is just as strict as ever! First Camera+ gone for breaking the developer API rules by their app accessing the volume buttons as a shutter. Now the Bit-Torrent DL manager app we all thought was approved gets pulled. And just like Camera+, IS Drive Bit Torrent App got accepted by deceivingly leaving out info on what it's features were.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

iPhone4 rumored to hit Verizon early next year

The rumors surrounding iPhone & Verizon just don't quit! With information coming from every source but the horses mouth(the one that matters most!).

Analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro with Susquehanna Financial Group said in a note to investors on Wednesday that checks with overseas suppliers indicated Apple is prepared to build 3 million CDMA iPhones in December, keeping the device on track for an early 2011 launch. That would put total GSM and CDMA iPhone production for the quarter at between 21 million and 22 million.

Some have speculated that those iPhone4's are headed for China to a different carrier than Apple's current Chinese wireless contract. Others have said that those aren't even CDMA iPhones @ there just the elusive White iPhone4's, which are starting to sound like a white unicorn more than a white iPhone! Others still are saying that pigs will fly & it's really Pink hearts, Green clovers & Purple horse shoes you'll find at the end of the rainbow not a pot o' gold.

Then later today after yet another round of media speculation & questions a Verizon spokes person said any news on the iPhone coming to Verizon will come from Apple & Steve Jobs, NOT FROM VERIZON! So there you have it, nothing more concrete than yesterday or last week & so on. Only time will tell, so in the mean time grab yourself a bowl of Lucky Charms & plop down in front of your new Apple TV & catch up on episodes of Desperate Days of Our N.C.I.S. Hospital Housewives of Jersey Shore.

Monday, October 4, 2010

SHAttered AppleTV 2G

RIM's Blackberry Playbook really exists? Or not.

I saw a link for this article from Covering The Web on Twitter so I took a peek. But from the moment I started reading I new something wasn't quite right. Like the authors reference to the Playbook being similar to 3 pieces of cardboard?

Hit the link & decide for yourself...is the Blackberry Playbook REAL?? http://www.coveringweb.com/2010/10/blackberry-playbook-really-exists.html Funny thing is the screen looks just like the kindle, which the company describes as having a screen view just like a book(aka paper).

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Adidas pulls $10 million iAD campaign

Well it sounds like Steve Jobs & Apple Inc have become the Orwellian Big Brother figure from their 1984 Super Bowl ads. Kind of ironic how they've become the "overlords" that they claimed to be freeing us from in those first Mac ads.

Adidas supposedly pulled its $10+ million ad campaign from the iAd program because Apple CEO Steve Jobs was being too much of a control freak. According to one industry exec, Adidas decided to cancel its iAds after Apple rejected its creative concept for the third time.

It seems as though it's not just the App Store that has a strict acceptance policy. I find it hard to believe that Adidas had ads that were that far out of line or were that horrible? I'd like to see some of those ads that caused it to be rejected. Maybe they featured certain tennis star in skimpy outfits & compromising positions?

Either way this is just another step in the wrong direction for a company that makes such great products. To provide awesome devices with amazing potential & then to disable it's capabilities with ridiculous restrictions in the name of security or the end user experience? Hey Jobs!...How about letting the end user decide what's good for the end user??

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New iMac's may have touch screen

These days the buzz around all of Apple's products have been at full tilt. With anticipation of the new greenpois0n jailbreak in beta phase & rumors of new iPad designs, Verizon iPhones & more. Now the latest word is that the new iMac's will feature a touch screen!

Asian tech company, Sintek Photonics has reportedly shipped samples of capacitive touch panels to Apple. The touch-enabled iMac will reportedly have good vertical and horizontal viewing angles, and its “one-glass” touch panel will integrate the sensor and cover glass for a slimmer, lighter design. Patently Apple reported in August that Apple registered patents for new iMac design that in addition to standard vertical viewing angle, would also feature horizontal tilt. Which would be essential for using a touch screen longer than a few seconds.

The only problem is that engineers state that building touch screens this large is complex & expensive. Although I'm sure Apple with figure a way to accomplish their goals.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

VERIZON iPhone4?!! Leaked?!!

Verizon posted a page today on their website that they're now buying iPhones from AT&T in exchange for a Verizon gift certificate. But the prices their willing to shell out for even the newest iPhone4 will probably put you off from any delusional thoughts you may have had of selling it to Verizon! Watch the video & see for yourself! It's pretty funny!


greenpois0n Jailbreak release UPDATE!

Monday, September 27, 2010

New iPad patents surface in China!

There seems to be much debate over what the small round dot on the top front of these new patent designs represents. Although in my mind it can only be one thing...a FaceTime camera. Just as I predicted for the new iPod Touch to have a camera, I was talking with some ladies in the Apple Store the other day who were looking to buy a new iPad. I told them that they should probably hold off for the next generation, because most likely it would feature a camera. Although using the iPad as a normal camera would be pretty awkward a forward facing camera for FaceTime makes perfect sense.

Earlier in the day the story was all about the 30 pin sync/charge port landscape docking feature, a "mysterious" "USB"/"HDMI" port & a possible "smart bezel" feature that could support Multi-Touch. I & most of the commenters figured the real story was the front facing camera. But stories started by focusing on what they thought was a mini USB or HDMI? I don't think so?? Apple has been moving toward WiFi & Bluetooth syncing & connectivity, why in the ne of Steve Jobs & all that is Jailbreakable would they take a step backwards?? Though it seemed most of the comments shot this idea down quick as lightning also, by pointing out it was probably just the memory card tray for 3G enable iPads. I could see the posibility of a landscape docking port & definitely the FaceTime camera, but HDMI/USB? That's insane! ALTHOUGH...I could see a huge step forward with a USB for syncing OUT, say to an iPod or your iPhone? It could make sense & Apple has been trying to push the
iPad forward in a larger roll as more than just a tablet. Possibly making the iPad a Semi-standalone device? Or maybe that's just wishful thinking as I'd like to ditch my laptop altogether for an iPad. And as for the smart bezel? To me that seems like just to much going on for the clean smooth design of Apples iDevices. But as for now it's all just HOT AIR! We'll have to wait for next year when they unveil the real thing. That is unless some waisted Apple tech slips up again? I'm sure Jobs has anyone with test Devices followed by their security team now.

So, with all the BS flying about today with iPad rumors, impending greenpois0n jailbreak releases & whatnot. What do you think will be featured on the newest iPad? Leave your ideas in the comments section! We'll have a RUMOR WAR!

SHAttered iPod touch 4G

Wow! It's getting CLOSE! Very soon now! But as they release these for us to DROOL OVER, we all get more anxious! Just remember, wait for the REAL & OFFICIAL JB! Don't be scammed! Don't fall for the crap videos on YouTube!

iPhone Explorer - A USB iPhone browser for Mac and PC

Access your iPhone or iPod Touch files, photos & songs with this awesome software! Manage your music WITHOUT iTunes! With iPhone Explorer finally manage your device the way YOU WANT! Get a FREE DOWNLOAD AT...
iPhone Explorer - A USB iPhone browser for Mac and PC

Friday, September 24, 2010

HACKED! Again!iPhone4 & iPad Walking Robot

HACKED! iPod Nano Dancing Robot!

Bloomberg news: Vacant TV Airwaves Opened for $4 Billion Wireless Market by U.S.

All I gotta say is one word...AWESOME!

Vacant TV Airwaves Opened for $4 Billion Wireless Market by U.S.


Sent from the Fewtcher

sn0wbreeze 2.0 Jailbreak for 3G iDevices on 3.x/4.x/4.1

Sn0wbreeze 2.0 Released!

The long overdue Sn0wbreeze 2.0 has been finally released few moments ago, to jailbreak iOS 4.1 for Windows users. This tool has been developed by iH8sn0w the well-known iPhone hacker, who is behind other popular iPhone jailbreak tools such as earlier versions of sn0wbreeze, f0recast, iReb and blackbreeze. As you know Sn0wbreeze just like PwnageTool for Mac OS. You can check Sn0wbreeze 2.0 compatible and incompatible devices after the break.

Sn0wbreeze 2.0 jailbreak compatible devices:

  • iPhone 3GS (new bootrom) –required jailbreak on 3.1.2.
  • iPhone 3GS (old bootrom) –required jailbreak. (If you are jailbroken using Spirit or JailbreakMe, use Spirit2Pwn from http://repo.woowiz.net)
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 2GiPod Touch 3G – required jailbreak on 3.1.2.
  • iPod Touch 2G (MC Model) – required jailbreak on 3.1.2.
  • iPod Touch 2G (Non-MC Model)
  • iPod Touch 1G

Sn0wbreeze 2.0 jailbreak incompatible devices:

  • iPhone 4
  • iPad
  • iPod Touch 4G

So if you have a PC carrying Windows, you can use Sn0wbreeze 2.0 to create custom firmware files, which allows you to upgrade your firmware with preserving baseband to unlock your iPhone with the existing ultrasn0w version. Of course and as usual, we are preparing how to guides for using Sn0wbreeze 2.0, so stay tuned. If you have incompatible device you have to wait for the Greenpois0n jailbreak.

Update 1: You can check the guide to Jailbreak iPhone 3GS (New Bootrom), 3G, iOS 4.1 with Sn0wbreeze 2.0.1 in this post.

Update 2: Sn0wbreeze 2.0.1 has been released to fix iTunes Error 37 when restoring to custom iOS 4.1 firmware. The download link below has been updated for version 2.0.1

Sn0wbreeze 2.0 Released!


The long overdue Sn0wbreeze 2.0 has been finally released few moments ago, to jailbreak iOS 4.1 for Windows users. This tool has been developed by iH8sn0w the well-known iPhone hacker, who is behind other popular iPhone jailbreak tools such as earlier versions of sn0wbreeze, f0recast, iReb and blackbreeze. As you know Sn0wbreeze just like PwnageTool for Mac OS. You can check Sn0wbreeze 2.0 compatible and incompatible devices after the break.

Sn0wbreeze 2.0 jailbreak compatible devices:

iPhone 3GS (new bootrom) –required jailbreak on 3.1.2.

iPhone 3GS (old bootrom) –required jailbreak. (If you are jailbroken using Spirit or JailbreakMe, use Spirit2Pwn from http://repo.woowiz.net)

iPhone 3G

iPhone 2GiPod Touch 3G – required jailbreak on 3.1.2.

iPod Touch 2G (MC Model) – required jailbreak on 3.1.2.

iPod Touch 2G (Non-MC Model)

iPod Touch 1G

Sn0wbreeze 2.0 jailbreak incompatible devices:

iPhone 4


iPod Touch 4G

So if you have a PC carrying Windows, you can use Sn0wbreeze 2.0 to create custom firmware files, which allows you to upgrade your firmware with preserving baseband to unlock your iPhone with the existing ultrasn0w version. Of course and as usual, we are preparing how to guides for using Sn0wbreeze 2.0, so stay tuned. If you have incompatible device you have to wait for the Greenpois0n jailbreak.

Update 1: You can check the guide to Jailbreak iPhone 3GS (New Bootrom), 3G, iOS 4.1 with Sn0wbreeze 2.0.1 in this post.

Update 2: Sn0wbreeze 2.0.1 has been released to fix iTunes Error 37 when restoring to custom iOS 4.1 firmware. The download link below has been updated for version 2.0.1.

Sn0wbreeze 2.0.1 for Windows - <a href="http://ih8sn0w.com/index.php/welcome.snow">Download</a>

And...some more great pics!

Pics part duex

Amazing pics on the new iPhone4!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

UPDATE! greenpois0n 4.1 Jailbreak!

FREE $50 iTunes GIFT CARD!

** 100 SUBS GIVE AWAY!! **
Enter to WIN A $50 iTunes Gift Card!!

*Contest Rules...

1. Watch, Rate & Comment on one of my videos!(The more views, ratings & comments you do, the more chances you have to win!)
2. SUBSCRIBE to my channel!! Top20iPhoneApps
3. Hit the link & FOLLOW one or BOTH of my blogs -

So, that's it! View, Rate, Comment, SUBSCRIBE! & FOLLOW THE BLOG!

** Apple & iTunes are registered trademarks & Top20iPhoneApps -
http://iphonetech-app-reviews.blogspot.com/ &
http://completejailbreak.blogspot.com/ -does not own & makes no claim to these trademarks. Top20iPhoneApps -
http://iphonetech-app-reviews.blogspot.com/ &
http://completejailbreak.blogspot.com - are not affiliated with or sponsored by Apple. Apple does not approve of & does in no way a sponsor of this contest.

*All contestants that meet contest requirements & are eligible by law are entered into the contest, except where prohibited by law. No purchase required.

Monday, September 20, 2010

iPhone 4 on T-Mobile?!!

Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson noted that he had been informed by a T-Mobile manager that the carrier would begin offering the iPhone 3GS (but not the iPhone 4) by the end of this year. Unlike AT&T, T-Mobile's 3G network operates within the 1700 MHz spectrum & not compatible. Although there have been rumors that a Canadian carrier on the same bandwidth as T-mobile will also be selling the iPhone later this year. We'll be hoping along with everyone else, but not holding our breath. Until then it seems a Jailbreak & unlock is the only hope to be freed from AT&T's shackles.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Nano & iPod closer related than you realize

Sent from the Fewtcher

Five Tricks To Save 30% On Battery Life

Here's a short list of the top tweaks for your iPhone or iPod Touch to save some major juice.

1. Turn off your WiFi/3G/Edge connections when your not using apps that require it & not expecting an important email.
*Settings>WiFi & Settings>General>Network

2. Turn off Location Services. This one can suck some serious juice.
*Settings>Location Services

3. Turn off Push Notifications & set to fetch manually.
*Settings>Fetch Data

4. Here's another one that a lot of people don't think about...Vibrate. Turn it off, especially if you get a lot of emails, texts & calls & save quite a lot of battery

5. The last one is a sneaky one that most people wouldn't ever think of, but your sound alert settings & audio playback settings can really add up to pull on the battery. Like, say you have the Keyboard set to make clicks when typing. If you do alot of text, email or mobile blogging this can really tale a toll on your battery throughout the day. Turn iPod EQ & most functions audio alerts off.
*Settings>Sounds> & Settings>iPod>EQ

Putting these five major battery saving tips into use will dramatically increase your battery life throughout your day & hopefully keep charging to a minimum, mainly after your home. Check out a great App from the app store for maximizing your battery over the life of tour device. Search - Battery Doctor Pro - in the App Store. For a limited time
only $.99! Rated 4 1/2 Stars! Look for a full review of Battery Doctor Pro on my YouTube Channel

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cydia Buys Rock - To merge to one Jailbreak App store

Reposted From AppAdvice.com:

Cydia, the jailbreak App Store, is without a doubt the symbol of jailbreaking. Yet, it wasn’t the only player selling apps that weren’t approved by Apple. Rock, a second App Store, has had some success of its own over its 18 months of existence.

Besides the different application and interface (Rock’s was superior IMHO), it was essentially the same thing. You could find most apps on both stores, and while some apps were Cydia or Rock only, there was usually an alternative app on the other store. Yet, for many of us, we had to rely on two jailbreak stores, each with their own set of credentials, and clearly it was a bit of a hassle.

Well, times have changed. Saurik, Cydia’s creator, has now acquired Rock and will merge it into Cydia. As a result, all apps, licenses and so on will be moved from Rock to Cydia over the next couple of days. This will bring the total number of available jailbreak apps, themes and extensions to over 20,000. As for Rock, it will be shut down.

The news, while welcome, comes as a bit of a surprise as Cydia and Rock didn’t always cooperate well in the past. They apparently came to an agreement, and you can now even see the flagship Rock apps featured on Cydia’s main page. Here is what Cydia’s creator told ModmyI about the acquisition:

It’s been a fun ride. We set out to change the landscape and I think we were very successful. I think we contributed to attracting more business professionals to the iPhone jailbreak community, and added some great functionality to the platform. The current transaction with Cydia is a great opportunity for us. We’re going to miss some of the excitement, but no reason for anyone to worry. I, personally, will be spending even more time in Intelliborn apps development (both existing and exciting new projects). A few months ago, Jay and I sat down together and we realized, I enjoyed making apps more (and was better at it), while Jay enjoys providing platform functionality. It was a win-win for both groups and we’re excited about the transition.

Rock’s creator posted some interesting statistics on the site to show us just how successful the service was:

Number of Developers with apps listed in the Rock Store: 124 (from 19 countries)
Unique iOS devices that installed Rock: 4.6 million (from 220 countries/territories) – Wow that is a lot of places!
Registered Rock Users: 2+ million
Number of App licenses sold: 500,000
Users of who took the plunge and bought something: 280,000 (from 185 countries)
Total Rock Your Phone Store revenue (March 12th, 2009 – September 2010): $3.3+ million
Number of Rock Employees (we are using the word employee loosely here but, hey, it is our company)

You can find all the details on what will happen to your licenses and apps directly in Cydia, or on Rock’s website.

Farewell Rock!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

New iOS 4.1 Update & Angry Birds takes over the world!

Yesterday, Apple finally released the newest update for their mobile platforms-iOS4.2!! And it ROCKS! Finally Game Center, for all those into online gaming or just the ability to beat your buddies high scores between weekends! Plus the awesome photo upgrade HDR- High Dynamic Range. Allowing you to shoot one photo that is in "perfect" light exposure. Instead of two or three like I usually have to, even from different angles to get the lighting correct. This will be a great advancement! Just be careful to shoot still subjects with HDR. Finding them
in the Camera Roll is easy as they're tagged, but on the desktop you'll have to look for a slightly larger file(around .5MB). This will have to do until Apple releases another upgrade for iPhoto or a way for the next iOS update to Tag them. Here are some examples.

Without HDR...


With HDR...


And then there's HDR on ADHD...

This is what happens when the subject of your photos is in motion during the long shot process that HDR requires. Be aware of movement @ try to shoot mainly stills with the HDR setting.

Another great addition of this new iOS is Game Center! An online gaming community. Allowing friends & strangers alike to play multi-player RPG's, beat each other's high score's & who know's what else? I can't wait to play Angry Birds in Game Center!

Another feature is the option to buy commercial free TV episodes at $.99 each through iTunes, plus the addition of PING. Although it's already become a haven for spammers. I personally don't need another social media platform.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is why not to Jailbreak your iPhone!

or Why Apple ROCKS!!!

My iPhone 4 had been acting real glitchy since practically the first day. It had progressively gotten worse, freezing usually everyday, luckily I know a few tricks to get it unbricked when this happens or I'd have been beating down the Genius Bar's proverbial door long ago. I had finally had enough when I couldn't access my Camera Roll or even use any of the Camera/Video functions!

I told my boss about it today at work (he insisted I go with a Mac when I bought my laptop, although I was going to anyway). So he got on the computer, made a Genius Bar reservation & amazingly enough there was plenty of openings! Then he let me off early to go downtown for the appointment. I get there, check in with the always kind & courteous receptionist. Then proceeded to manage my YouTube, Facebook & Blogger accounts as well as give the NEW iPod Touch's a once over. When my time slot was open, the beautiful, nice & very intelligent Apple tech approached me, asked a few questions & then took my iPhone to the back for diagnostics. Although she had told me that they would most likely replace my iPhone today(Don't have to twist my arm!). After a few minutes she came backwith my old iPhone:( AND! A BRAND SPANKIN' NEW iPhone 4!!! Even though mine wasn't that old, it's always nice to start new(Except for having to add all my info, contacts & go to all the previously installed apps & websites to re-establish accounts). But to have an new iPhone that doesn't FREEZE UP after listening to music on my morning bike ride will be awesome!

Seriously Apple ought to just sponsor me or make me part of there Testing & Dev Team! JOBS! ARE YOU LISTENING?!! Somehow I manage to get the wackiest bug ridden iDevices. On my last iPod Touch 2nd Gen, I went through THREE OF THEM! Don't ask me how? But my first two got totally fried, DEAD! Then #3 was fine? All I know is that whenever there's a problem, I take it down to the Good Ol' Genius Bar & their Beautiful tech geek wonder chicks take care of me!

If my iPhone had been Jailbroken I would have been SCREWED! Not to mention, I wouldn't be able to upgrade to iOS 4.1 when I sync my BRAND NEW iPHONE!! Oh, YEAH! Gaming Center BABY!!!

Buy Apple!

Sent from my iPhone