Sunday, October 3, 2010

Adidas pulls $10 million iAD campaign

Well it sounds like Steve Jobs & Apple Inc have become the Orwellian Big Brother figure from their 1984 Super Bowl ads. Kind of ironic how they've become the "overlords" that they claimed to be freeing us from in those first Mac ads.

Adidas supposedly pulled its $10+ million ad campaign from the iAd program because Apple CEO Steve Jobs was being too much of a control freak. According to one industry exec, Adidas decided to cancel its iAds after Apple rejected its creative concept for the third time.

It seems as though it's not just the App Store that has a strict acceptance policy. I find it hard to believe that Adidas had ads that were that far out of line or were that horrible? I'd like to see some of those ads that caused it to be rejected. Maybe they featured certain tennis star in skimpy outfits & compromising positions?

Either way this is just another step in the wrong direction for a company that makes such great products. To provide awesome devices with amazing potential & then to disable it's capabilities with ridiculous restrictions in the name of security or the end user experience? Hey Jobs!...How about letting the end user decide what's good for the end user??

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